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Lister-Sink Institute

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About the Lister-Sink Institute

The Lister-Sink Institute is an educational organization dedicated to promoting a healthful, well-coordinated keyboard technique to maximize musical artistry and help prevent potential injury at any point in the career.


The Lister-Sink Institute works primarily with pianists, organists, harpsichordists and any other keyboardists who wish to minimize physical effort and maximize musical potential. These are some examples of keyboardists who attend programs at the Lister-Sink Institute:

    • PERFORMERS who wish to enhance their technique and musical interpretation
    • EDUCATORS who wish to train their keyboard students of all ages in well-coordinated, efficient, (and injury-preventive) technique
    • STUDENTS at an intermediate and advanced level who would like to gain a more solid technical foundation and learn techniques to attain their full technical and artistic potential
    • INJURED keyboardists who seek to address their physical difficulties through assessment and retraining in results-oriented and stress-free environment with an evidence-based record of success

Training Options

The biannual Intensive Training Week-Long Workshop has been held since 1996, immersing participants in fundamental principles of good coordination of the whole body at the instrument, muscle awareness and control of sound production.  The substance of the workshop is drawn from her national award-winning and internationally acclaimed video, Freeing the Caged Bird—Developing Well-Coordinated, Injury-Preventive Piano Technique, and the Lister-Sink MethodRead more…

This unique master’s degree program focuses on enhancing the performance artistry and increasing the pedagogical skills of each student. As part of the curriculum, students will complete a concentration in injury-preventive keyboard technique. This degree was created in response to a high rate of playing-related injuries among pianists and organists worldwide, often jeopardizing their futures in music. Read more…

Dr. Barbara Lister-Sink created and now directs and is the primary instructor in America’s first Professional Certificate Program in Injury-Preventive Keyboard Technique at Salem College.  In an artistically inspired, academically rigorous, and scientifically informed 7-course curriculum, the Certificate Program covers all aspects of understanding, acquiring, and teaching injury-preventive piano and organ technique, including an in-depth study of keyboardists’ injuries, causes and cures.  Read more…

There are a number of teachers who have studied at length with Barbara Lister-Sink that she believes are qualified to teach the principles of good, whole body coordination embodied in the Lister-Sink Method.

Read more about finding a qualified instructor of the Lister-Sink Method…